Unmatched Privacy

On the Kubera Network, cards work like cash.
The Kubera Platform
Helping the consumer win the

Privacy War

The beauty of a cash purchase,

is that the buyer maintains their anonymity. On the Kubera Network, since the merchant no longer handles card data, the only thing a seller gets in a transaction is the money due to them for the goods they sold. There are situations of course, when a consumer might want to give a merchant personal information. In that case, the consumer can choose to send as much personal information they want to a merchant. We believe this is something the consumer should CHOOSE to do, not be forced to do, like with all card transactions today.

As a merchant,

when you decided to accept card payments, you were forced into being the gatekeeper and the first line of defense against credit card fraud; a position you would rather not be in. On the Kubera Netowrk, you no longer have any card data liability, which also means, no more PCI requirements since your company no longer touches or stores card data, ever.

As a bank,

you can rest assured that the request for payment to a merchant came directly from your customer and not some unknown third party. You can conduct business in a safe and private manner and attract new clients who want the same thing.

As a thief,

there is no point in trying to skim card numbers from merchants who are on the Kubera Network. You won't find any card data or personal information within the communication with the consumer. Hacking their servers will also be futile since you won't find any consumer data stored there either. There is nothing of value here, you'd best just move on.

The Push SaleTM

Never read a card number over the phone again.
The Kubera Platform
Keeping Private Things


Nothing could be easier!

Card numbers are supposed to be private, but we are required to give them to merchant employees. We've all been there... that momentary pause before reading your card number over the phone. Using the Kubera App, the merchant just sends you a Purchase Offer and all you have to do is accept it. The person on the other end of the phone doesn't ever see your card number. A secure message gets sent straight to your bank and tells them to pay the merchant.

As a merchant,

you know that taking card numbers over the phone is a liability, but what other options did you have? Now your phone operators only need a customer's phone number to complete the sale. They simply send a Purchase Offer to their device where all the customer has to do is accept. After that, the transaction proceeds between the customer and thier bank.

As a bank,

you can rest assured that the request for payment to a merchant or call center came directly from your customer and not some unknown third party. You can conduct business in a safe and private manner and attract new clients who want the same thing.

As a thief,

you can no longer profit from eaves dropping when a consumer is ordering by phone, nor can you skim card numbers while being employed by a merchant or call center. That ship has sailed.

One-Touch PurchaseTM

No more click-throughs, no more forms, no more hassle.
The Kubera Platform

Form Fatigue

Not again!

How many checkout forms have you completed in your life? If you're like most, it's enough to rival the size of the bible. Since the merchant isn't representing you in a transaction, there's no reason to complete one more dang form. All you have to do now is click "Accept" and your bank will send the funds to the merchant. One-Touch, DONE!

As a merchant,

capturing the impulse buy is the golded fleece, but an impulse buy where your customer has to complete a form is about as impulse as a Bar Exam. Since you no longer have to see card details, all your customer has to do is click "Purchase!" Now that's impulse.

Like all other transactions,

on the Kubera Network, banks can rest assured that the request for payment to a merchant actually came directly from your customer. You'll be able to offer the most secure cards in the industry!

No more bogus forms.

The days of capturing card data through a fake form for a fake product or service are over. Thieves will no longer be able to capture card information since it no longer gets sent to a merchant. Banks will only be able to send money to legit companies who have a valid merchant account.

Anywhere CommerceTM

Breaking down the walls of the store.
The Kubera Platform
Over-coming the consumer's

Short Memory

We've all done it.

You see a product advertisment and want to buy, but forget all about it by the time you get to the store. With the Kubera App, you can purchase the item on the spot. After scaning the QR code, you won't get taken to an online store, or redirected somewhere, you won't even leave the App. All you'll have to do next is touch "Accept" and the purchase is complete.

As a merchant,

the greatest short-coming of advertising is the distance between the ad and the purchase location. Historically, companies spent millions trying to stay top-of-mind so when the consumer finally got to a store, they would (maybe) remember the ad. All that inefficiency is history. Now, your ad can also be your point-of-sale, no matter where in the world it is. You've now just expanded your store to millions of locations!

As a bank,

no matter where the transaction takes place, it's always placed by the customer you know with the right credentials. You no longer have to create complicated algorithms to analyize purchase behavior trying to identify fraud.

As a thief,

even though the transaction takes place outside of store walls or secure website, the transaction is just as secure as all other Kubera transactions. Like all others, no card data or even personal information is transferred between the merchant and consumer.

Purchase FreedomTM

Purchase Freedom!
The Kubera Platform
A card that play's nice with

Local Laws

Power to the people!

Is there anything more frustrating than being told what you can and can't buy? That decision should be made by local law makers, not your credit card company. After all, it's only their card, but it's your money and your good credit, who are they to decide how and where you should spend it? We leave that to you.

As a merchant,

if you can't accept cards for payment, your customer base is incredibly small, limited to those who carry cash —which is like, nobody. When you accept the Kubera Card, you'll transact business on our fraud-proof platform and take advantage of all other features like the Push SaleTM", One-Touch PurchasesTM, Anywhere CommerceTM and Consumer CartsTM. You can also private lable the Kubera Card as your own and/or use it as your gift card.

As a bank,

you'll be able offer your customers a card that can be used to purchase everything and anything, all on a fraud-proof platform. The Kubera Card can be issued as a credit, debit, and prepaid card. Beyond that, you'll be seen as a bank that supports the local economy.

As a thief,

if you see credit cards a your oyster where all you have to do it crack it open, you'll be greatly disappointed with the Kubera Card. After all your efforts, even if you crack a Kubera Card, there is no pearl inside. Not only are card numbers up to 4000 digits long, they are never transfered during a transaction.

Consumer CartsTM

The world is now one giant store.
The Kubera Platform
A cart big enough to buy every product in the world

All at once!

A world-wide store

Let's face it, the checkout is a hassle. But with your own cart, you can shop to your heart's content at any number of stores and then checkout all at once. Each merchant will get the money due to them just as if you used their checkout. Items in your cart shows merchants your intent to buy and they can offer you on the spot promotions if they choose; let the merchants bid for your business. All of your purchases will be indexed and neatly organized by merchant or product type allowing you to better manage your budget. And it works with all brands of cards not just the Kubera Card.

As a merchant,

you will have the ability to see which and how many of your products have been placed in the consumer's cart. You would not know who they are or even where they're from but you will have the ability to motivate a purchase with on the spot discounts or other promotions. Carts can no longer be abandoned since the cart belongs and moves with the consumer. Powerful consumer behavior can be gained through detailed cart reports that show you when and where a consumer placed your product in their cart and if they take it out again; insights that are impossible today.

As a bank,

this is really just a benefit to consumers and merchants. However, your customers will love the budgeting and accounting tools not available anywhere else.

As a thief,

you know the drill... move on.


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Something went wrong between your device and our servers. This is not due to anything you have done nor the information you submitted. The only thing we can do is make sure your local network is up and running and try again. If you continue to see this error, please contact us: hello@kuberanetwork.com